Community Math & Science Prep 328 Home

Core Values

Regard for other’s feelings; to admire, to value self, others, property, and diversity. Treat others the way you want to be treated.
Considerate of others, being aware of surroundings, knowing your role, consistent behavior, shared responsibility, model proper behavior (leadership).

Being accountable for the effects of your own decisions

A sense of being true to one’s self and one’s word, keeping oneself accountable

To strongly believe in a cause and follow through without never giving up/quitting (perseverance and resilient)

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Mission Statement

Middle School 328 advocates for excellence in each of our diverse and unique learners. We do this in partnership with students, parents, teachers, school staff, administration, and the local community by supporting learners’ academic, social, and emotional needs and growth. We provide a wide range of rigorous, real-world learning opportunities for all students – with an emphasis on mathematics and science- to prepare them to become empathetic citizens and lifelong learners who are informed, responsible, and actively engaged. They will strive to make positive, value-added changes to their local, state, national, and world communities for the purpose of improving everyone’s quality of life.